Emergency Repair Service

Let's face it, things break. With a great deal of telecommunications infrastructure located outdoors and next to roadways, it is susceptible to damage from vehicles as well as natural elements such as wind, rain & ice.

FOCUS Communications provides 24/7 emergency repairs & replacement for all telecom equipment from downed communications lines, damaged Fibre Distribution Hubs (FDH), Rapid Deployment Access Cabinets (RDAC) & pedestals to pole setting.

  • 24/7 Emergency Repairs
  • Pole Repair & Replacement
  • FDH, RDAC, Pedestals Repair & Replacement
  • Fibre, Copper & Coaxial Cable Repair & Replacement
  • Service Box & Service Vault Repair & Replacement

Our emergency repair crews are standing by day or night to repair any kind of telecommunications equipment damage and to restore connectivity to the masses in a timely manner.